Saturday, November 13, 2010

Great-Grandparents Time

This weekend we told the Great-Grandparents. It was such a good time! We went up to Stuart last night to hang out and spend the night with Mom and Dad, Brittany came up too. Then this morning we had Grammie, Granddad, and Sandy over and told them the same way we told the Plugers, with a framed picture of my sonogram. Grammie was so excited, she opened her frame and was just looking at it, then Mom asked what it was a picture of. Grammie replied "an unborn baby?" then all of a sudden it hit her and she started yelling and getting so excited. Took Granddad a couple seconds to hear what was going on there was too much noise for him to catch what was happening but it did not take long. And then everyone celebrated!

Shortly after we went over to Grandmom's and gave her her frame. She opened it up and gave me a hug right away. Teary eyed she turned to Paul for a hug then back to me for another one. It was very sweet and emotional. We then went over to Grammie's for dinner and Joy called so I was able to tell her the good news too.

Now that everyone in the family knows the secret is finally completely out. Time to celebrate!

16 weeks

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