Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Pink Lines....

So, here I am in the bathroom, looking down at two pink lines. Now what? Well... I do what any logical woman in my situation would do, throw away the evidence. As I walk around the corner my husband sweetly says "what are you doing, baby?" Crap, busted already maybe that was not as smooth as I thought. Now I mutter the three words that will forever change my life "honey, I'm pregnant..."

He of course is excited, I am confused and in shock. We look at the stick together and he gets even more excited, I still don't believe it and need more evidence. I call the doctor and make an appointment, luckily they can take in right away. The waiting room has got to be the longest time I have ever had to sit still in the same chair, more realistically it is only about 15 minutes. I am taken back and it is quickly confirmed yes, I am pregnant. 5 weeks along to be exact.

Oh, Baby!