Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trayanna Finds Out!

Trayanna and Mack were in town this weekend, so we met them Uptown at Mez last night. It was so much fun telling Tray, we were college roommates so have known each other for almost 10 years, which is crazy. She loves babies/kids and has nannied for years, so needless to say she was very excited. She wants to come down and spend time with us after he is born which will be a lot of fun.

Paul is so sweet, as always, but he is really excited. It is really cute to see him brag about having a little boy and talk about all the things he wants to do with him and teach him. He has been excited the whole time but I think just like it is slowly starting to feel real. It is just so hard to picture such a dramatic change in our lives. After all this is the biggest change that has happen to us - we are going to be PARENTS! 

15 Weeks


  1. Aww! I'm so happy for you guys! Has it really been ten years?! I cannot wait to meet your little boy. See you in April! Miss you three. :)

  2. Crazy huh! Yep will be 10 years in August/September. Can't believe it has been so long!!!
